In many Android apps you
may need to show data in graphical format (pie charts, bar charts,
time charts, etc.). To do this you can write the code from scratch,
or use one of the many third-party libraries available. One of the
most used is certainly aChart Engine, and there are several good
reasons for that:
- it is leight;
- it is free;
- it is relatively complete.
In this brief tutorial I
will explain the most important features you must know to create a
pie chart using aChart Engine.
Download and install the library
First of all you have to
download the library (version 1.1.0) and set up your Eclipse project
to use it. The steps are the following:
- open Eclipse; right click on the main project folder; select "Build Path" and "Configure Build Path..."; select "Libraries" tab; click on "Add external Jars..." and select the library Jar file you have downloaded.
Now your Eclipse
project is ready to use the library. Of course, if you want to use
the different classes, you first have to import them in your Activity
(import org.achartengine.model.CategorySeries ... etc.).
Source data
Let’s suppose we want to
create a pie chart showing the distribution of the different Android
versions, using the following data:
Kit Kat – 7.8%
Jelly Bean – 33%
Ice Cream Sandwich – 25%
Honeycomb – 17%
Gingerbread – 11%
Older – 6.2%
Each slice of the pie
chart is represented by a different color.
The source data in Java is
represented by three arrays, each with six elements:
String[] labels = new
String[] {“Kit Kat”, “Jelly Bean”, “Ice Cream Sandwich”,
“Honeycomb”, “Gingerbread”, “Older”};
double[] values = {7.8,
33, 25, 17, 11, 6.2};
int[] colors = {Color.RED,
Color.BLUE, Color.GREEN, Color.MAGENTA, Color.YELLOW, Color.GRAY};
The class
CategorySeries of aChart Engine
is used to represent a series for the category charts like the pie
We create an instance of
this class and populate it with the previously showed source data
(labels and values):
categorySeries = new CategorySeries(“Android versions”);
for(int i=0;
i<labels.length; i++) {
The class
DefaultRenderer (org.achartengine.renderer.DefaultRenderer)
is an abstract renderer used to format the charts.
We can create an instance
of this class and specify how we want our pie chart to be rendered:
defaultRenderer = new DefaultRenderer();
NB: It is important
to set the zoom buttons visibility to false, otherwise you may get a
NullPointerException in the onDraw() method of the class
GraphicalView (as far as I know, this should be a bug in the
The are of course many
other formattings you can control using a DefaultRenderer: you can
read the official documentation for more information.
To control the
rendering of each slice of the pie chart (color, showing or not
showing values, etc.) you can use the SimpleSeriesRenderer class
you just have to create an instance of this class for each slice, set
the relevant data and add it to the previously defined
for(int i=0;
i<labels.length; i++) {
simpleSeriesRenderer = new SimpleSeriesRenderer();
Starting a new Activity
To show our pie
chart we first have to retrieve an Intent, populated with the
relevant data, using the ChartFactory class:
Intent intPiechart =
ChartFactory.getPieChartIntent(context, categorySeries,
defaultRenderer, “Android versions”);
The new Activity must be
declared in the AndroidManifest.xml file as well:
wonderful post helped a to download this code please..........
ReplyDeleteThank you for your Tutorial very use full Tutorial..............
Hi muthu kumar,
DeleteThis is just an excerpt from an app that I'm developing, so I included only the relevant code and left out all that's related to the logic of my app.
But in the following days I will probably upload a more compete tutorial.
How to create a pie chart (look like treemaps) from hierarchical database?